El Camino, the center will land in the bed & under/behind the roof line, so i'm thinking on the roof, just towards the rear window?Have the mag mount dead center of the vehicle.
Seems to work very well.
I looked for the EZNEC model of a 1980's El Camino & 1/4 wave vertical, no such luck.
Usually have to make your own. The way to do it is to create just basic flat grid patterns roughly the dimensions of the outside shell of the vehicle leaving holes where the windows are, remembering to make the bottom edge the height above the road the vehicle floor is. You're not going to be doing it with the free version. Something like this which someone made up for modelling a kite antenna using their vehicle, in this case a Jeep, as a counterpoise:
I would love to know what the person who created that pattern M0GVZ posted did to get such drastically different patterns than what I got...
The DB
The patterns I got from it never looked quite like that. I'll have to look them for comparison purposes.
DB, I can make a model with a pattern like the one M0GVZ shows, but right off all I think I can remember is it is Azimuth over Perfect Ground type. Here is a model but I don't get the sharp definition for the directional quality he does.
They were modelling a kite antenna that was a half wavelength long, not a mobile/CB antenna which is why there would be such a drastic difference.
6in. forward of the rear of cab 2009 ram crew cab, 4in. Breadlove mount. cab, Everything bonded, worked very well, 102 whip and sirio 5000 as well. Photos on here some place can't remember which thread.El Camino, kind of an odd vehicle shape with the bed being longer than the roof + hood, I'm thinking about mounting a 102 inch steel whip.
I watched the video, guess I'm going to put it "dead center" of the roof but more towards the bed.
Opinions, thoughts, concerns?
I looked for the EZNEC model of a 1980's El Camino & 1/4 wave vertical, no such luck.