9:02z...EA1DLU: SAMUEL/NW SPAIN...Huge Signal/3 element Yagi 27mtrs up(WOW)
10:05z-10:39z...VK4AAV: Peter/Queensland,Austrailia...
Great chat/almost 40 minutes!
Peter was solid with his KWD TS-530S and Dipole/350W
10:40z-10:59z...VK3AHT:Geff/E. Coast Australia/Great Signal with FT-2000/400W/Dipole
Nice Morning/Had some RadioFun!
All the Best
(BJ)Gary W9FNB
10:05z-10:39z...VK4AAV: Peter/Queensland,Austrailia...
Great chat/almost 40 minutes!
Peter was solid with his KWD TS-530S and Dipole/350W
10:40z-10:59z...VK3AHT:Geff/E. Coast Australia/Great Signal with FT-2000/400W/Dipole
Nice Morning/Had some RadioFun!
All the Best
(BJ)Gary W9FNB