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Grounding Problem


Ham Radio Nerd
Apr 14, 2002
I'm guessing the railing is wood, not metal? If so, there's a few different things you can try. One is to cut a pice of wire about 8' long, solder or screw it into the bracket and drop it straight down below the antenna. That may work. You can also try getting a piece of copper and cut it into as big of a square or circle as you can get away with, and attach that below the bracket so It's touching the metal.



I'm guessing the railing is wood, not metal? If so, there's a few different things you can try. One is to cut a pice of wire about 8' long, solder or screw it into the bracket and drop it straight down below the antenna. That may work. You can also try getting a piece of copper and cut it into as big of a square or circle as you can get away with, and attach that below the bracket so It's touching the metal.


What are you using for a mounting stud, a standard 3/8-24 stud into a bracket? Make sure you assembled the stud it properly: The plastic washer goes on top of the bracket. Double check it to make sure you did it right.


What are you using for a mounting stud, a standard 3/8-24 stud into a bracket? Make sure you assembled the stud it properly: The plastic washer goes on top of the bracket. Double check it to make sure you did it right.


Currently having a grouding problem, i am running a balcony antenna drilled right into the huge railing. Now how can i ground this thing...?

Hope someone can help


<img src=http://home.comcast.net/~shockwav/garfield_467.gif ALT=":garpic"> <img src=http://home.comcast.net/~shockwav/garfield_467.gif ALT=":garpic">

Currently having a grouding problem, i am running a balcony antenna drilled right into the huge railing. Now how can i ground this thing...?

Hope someone can help


<img src=http://home.comcast.net/~shockwav/garfield_467.gif ALT=":garpic"> <img src=http://home.comcast.net/~shockwav/garfield_467.gif ALT=":garpic">


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