It appears you’ve been a member here since 2018. Surely in that time you should have come to understand various members. Sp5it Is a straight forward guy, gives you the facts, seldom displays humor (but is hilarious when he does), is straight forward and to the point. He has helped many members here umpteen times and knows his #$%*! If he meant to insult you you’d know it because of your massive headache.
The Mars modification video posted by NZ8N and done by cbradiomagazine was convoluted (mumbling) …on the other hand it was perfectly clear to me.
I’ve post the modification from Icom American which corresponds to the removal of D-54 which you stated worked.
Sp5lit has already stated he was referring to the video.
Given your gross mis-interpretation and hastily posted thread “Had It” It might serve you well to recant otherwise your wish might come to pass.
South of Pittsburg