There are several different types of clubs. Some are social, some service, some because of some particular interest in something. What type of club to join just depends on your interests. (All of those 'types' pertain to ham radio, by the way.) Want to just have fun, meet people, that sort of thing? I'd say look for a club that does mainly that. Interested in some useful purpose, weather reporting, certificate hunting, any kind of 'community' service you can think of? There's probably such a club, somewhere anyway. Interested in just digital stuff, or CW, or coloring books? Bet there's a club with that specific purpose, maybe not coloring books (but I wouldn't bet on that).
The 'other' part of being in a club is that you do assume some degree of responsibility for that club. You gotta participate to belong, if that makes sense. Do wanna be a secretary?? That's almost a 'give away' job, nobody particularly wants it, you know, sort of?
So are you interested in any of that sort of stuff? Don't know? Go to a few meetings, you'll probably find out if you want to be a part of it. Don't want to? Then don't join, look somewhere else. You don't -have to- belong to a club. Some times it's a real benefit, some times not, up to you. Oh, expect to pay dues.
- 'Doc
We have meetings the first Thursday of every month, under the local jail. No, that isn't a joke! (Sometimes the meetings are, but that's where we have'em.) Come on down! The water's free, we have testing sessions, listen to people's cell phones ring (for joy!), and sometimes even get stuff done. We'll leave the light on for you.