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Has the world gone crazy

Not needed but wanted... Alinco DJ-G7T radio. Most prices in Canada are over $500, HRO had them on sale, shipping, duty, exchange just over $320.
Oh wait, yes honey I needed another radio.

There’ll be a day that maybe not a single radio you own works adequately. How many days or years off isn’t the point. That this day WILL come is the dilemma now coming into view.

The $300 rifle is no worse than the $3000 rifle the day ammo runs out.

The day your radio ain’t a hobby is what to consider. Parts, spares & tools.

Two years ago a major online gun parts supplier got some promotion out of offering half-barrels of ammo at a great per-round price. But it was a hefty price tag altogether.

Today, were that 2019 offering still available (and at the going rate for M80 Lake City) the $4,000 price tag would be $10,000.

Crazy high price don’t mean squat next to “available or not”.

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Not needed but wanted... Alinco DJ-G7T radio. Most prices in Canada are over $500, HRO had them on sale, shipping, duty, exchange just over $320.
Oh wait, yes honey I needed another radio.
well... remove a used oldest radio,put new 1 in its place.few days later bring the older removed radio in remove cover n tinker n tell her you had it long time . it quit n was thinkin you might uhhhh fix it
There’ll be a day that maybe not a single radio you own works adequately. How many days or years off isn’t the point. That this day WILL come is the dilemma now coming into view.

The $300 rifle is no worse than the $3000 rifle the day ammo runs out.

The day your radio ain’t a hobby is what to consider. Parts, spares & tools.

Two years ago a major online gun parts supplier got some promotion out of offering half-barrels of ammo at a great per-round price. But it was a hefty price tag altogether.

Today, were that 2019 offering still available (and at the going rate for M80 Lake City) the $4,000 price tag would be $10,000.

Crazy high price don’t mean squat next to “available or not”.

ammo. if i shot 20 rounds a day every day for 20 years id still have a lot left over. i foreseen this a coming
At one stage late last year there was an S9 going a bidding on the bay and by the time I got there, the bids were up to 650$. I put bids on at 30$ a go and it kept going up. There were 5 other parties bidding against me. I kept bidding and soon the price had reached 850$. I pulled out at that stage.
I got a private msg from the seller a few days later asking if I was still interested as the winning bidder hadn't got the funds and therefore couldn't pony up.
I asked what price had it got to and he said 975$. I certainly wasn't paying that so I just replied no thank you.
He said it was going again on eBay and I could bid again if I wanted.I didn't go near it. 975$ That's Crazy....... I'm a bit mad ( in a good way) so I've been told but I ain't CCCCRRRRRRRRRAAAAAZZZZZZREEEEEE
Yup, this subject has come up many times. ALOT of really stupid people with plenty of money to throw away. And in turn they have driven the market prices up to ridiculous levels. I try not to talk about it Because it makes my blood boil. Now new people to the hobby, or people with a tight Budget cant even get any gear. $100 for a 23ch radio from 1972, hahaha go f#%@ yourself. Every time i hear people say "thats what it sells for on ebay" i swear to god i wanna scream. Ebay IS NOT the bluebook for merchandise. But unfortunately it is now.
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Get what you need (useful radios) and a few more as spares. Be sure all family vehicles and homes are so equipped. Everyone also has that working spare for each location or type.

With that baseline “more” isn’t necessary.

Run through the hard practical side of things. Not mentally, but actually do it where not done. Full working installations. No shortcuts.

This’ll cure buy-itis

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