I acquired this antenna recently from a friend. This antenna is from the 1970's. I'm not sure what type it is. It looks like a penetrator but I don't see the fixed wire tuner there. It incorporates 4, 8ft 11 inch radials. No top hat with it. Friend said he ran it and swr was 1 to 1.5. The main center base section is 5 ft 8 inches above the radials and there is 10 inches below the radials. I'm enclosing a pic of lower section. To see if it can be Identified. This antenna uses sheet metal screws going into pre drilled holes as opposed to hose clamps. Thanks Guys. Please any info would be great. Plus Its missing the top stinger which was used in another antenna design. I believe it was about 4 feet in length. Will be picking this up from my hardware store.