Is your dipole a 'flattop' or does it sort of 'droop' a little? An SWR of around 1.5:1 for a 'flattop' isn't really bad at all. You might lower that a bit by 'drooping the ends a bit.
Going to a high SWR, or around 3:1 when the amplifier is turned on means that the amplifier's output impedance isn't very close to 50 ohms. Not the dipole's fault, now is it...
A 'flat top' dipole's input impedance is something close to 70 ohms, give or take a little. If you 'droop' the legs, the input impedance lowers a bit. Doesn't take a whole lot of 'droop'. Not the easiest thing to do if it's supported on the ends instead of in the middle.
- 'Doc
PS - Just curious, is the truck pictured a 'quad' or a 'quint'?