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Hi, I'm looking for Ham Technician Freq.'s

Sep 23, 2011
Hello all, I'm a newbie here, let me know if I do anything wrong.
I've been a Ham since the mid-70's, and have always been a, 2 meter and up operator. Recently my son passed his "technician" class test, and I'd like to get him a 10 meter radio. I'm thinking of this because I've been told that a
portion of 10 meters can now be used by a tech class operator.
I can't get a straight answer on exactly how much space is there for a technician class, and what modes; AM , ssb, can be used. I'd really appreciate any help. There's alot of "outdated" or wrong info out there.
Thanks alot.
Dennis, W2GLI

Robb, Thanks so much

....One other question....I've never used ssb, so here's my dumb question, lol.

Would 28.300 to 28.350 usb mean 28.300, 28.400 & 28.500 USB, or,

28.300, 28.305, 28.310, 28.315, 28.320....etc. on up to 28.500 ?

Sorry....ssb is new to me.
Thanks Dennis, W2GLI
ALL freq's between 28.300 to 28.500MHz upper side band that doesn't have activity present are game. There aren't any 'channels' on 10m like there are on CB. So you can be on an even or odd number using 5khz for good measure. Just be courteous and persistent with your call and have a pencil ready to write down an incoming call. That's how I do it, anyway. That works.

In other words - don't interfere with another 'conversation' (also nicknamed a 'QSO'). Wait your turn; or pass that freq by and then scan another portion of that band. Leave about 5khz space between the closest known QSO, as this will ensure that you don't step on anyone's toes before you transmit. Wait/listen to be sure that there isn't anyone on the freq you are monitoring before you give your CQ call and call sign. Have fun and log your contact. Time (GMT Zulu), freq (XX.XXXMHz), mode, power output (est), signal report in (5/7, 4/4, 5/9, etc), signal report out (same). And of course, the call sign of your contact. Done.
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Hello Denis,
You have the same class ticket.
How's come the band info was not part of his test study?
It's the main purpose of getting the ticket and not so much the tech of it.
Both of you have the same privledges.
CW on a part of the 80m band, the 40m band the 15m band and cw and usb on parts of the 10m.
You can use full bandwidths on 6m, 2m, 220 and 440 and upward in all modes providing you use the correct mode in the portions of each band you want to use. For example, no ssb in the FM repeater pair portions of these vhf/uhf bands etc.
Use of a computer will find all this info plus a visit to the ARRL website and band plan info.
Part 97 FCC rules have all the info as well.
Good luck.
What frequency to use? You can answer that with another question, how wide is the signal you will be transmitting, and stay that far from another frequency that's in use. For SSB, that's typically 3 Khz, for CW, about .5 Khz, for AM, about 6 kHz, and for FM about 12 or 25 Khz (depends on if it's narrow or wide band FM). There's a 'catch' to that. All SSB signals are not only 3 Khz wide. Some are wider for several reasons. Best bet is to just get far enough away that you can't hear them and they can't hear you. That also depends on how wide/narrow the filtering is in the receiver. It sounds a lot harder than it actually is. It just takes a little getting used to it.
- 'Doc
If you can't get a straight answer, then you're asking the wrong people.

I keep a printed copy of this handy in my station:


The sections labeled 'T' are where technician class operators can operate which, as previously stated, includes some parts of 80, 40 and 15 meters, though only in CW mode and with limited power. On 10 meters, technicians can operate in CW mode from 28.000 to 28.300 and in SSB mode from 28.300 to 28.500, also with limited power. (You're restricted to 200 watts PEP, though when the propagation on 10 meters is good, 200 watts and a good antenna will get you around the world.)

Ham Radio Frequency Allocations including New Technician Class Changes!

I am not an Amateur and have not been since my Novice class days in Boy Scouts and even I know this info. Are you really an Amateur because I find it difficult to believe that you would not know this info, have it in a book or know how to go to ARRL sites to easily look it up! Google found that info for me first try in under.325 seconds. It would be like someone calling themselves a Medical Doctor and popping up on a forum to ask what the Mitral Valve is and where it is located!!!It just sounds really fishy.....On top of that you have to know the current band coverage to pass the test. Not calling you a lier either just saying your post is fishy and sounds out their!
Well he is in the ULS database. Surely we can answer a simple question for a new guest.

By the way welcome aboard Dennis.
...I've been told that a
portion of 10 meters can now be used by a tech class operator.
I can't get a straight answer on exactly how much space is there for a technician class, and what modes; AM , ssb, can be used. ...

In addition to USB on 28.3 to 28.5, a Technician licensee can also use CW, RTTY, and Digital modes from 28.0 to 28.3. For example, this includes PSK-31 activity on 28.120.

So the space is pretty good, and 10 has been popping open quite nicely recently.

I have a Radio Shack HTX-10, which are available on the used market. It works fine for Technician use, except for the need for a bit of additional equipment for CW.

Like any new ham activity, it is a good idea to listen a lot when you are getting started.

You could also look around the 10-10 web site. The whole club is set up for ten meter operators.

Good luck!

Technican HF privileges (200 watt PEP maximun output)
10 meter 28.000 - 28.300 (CW,RTTY and data)
28.300 - 28.500 (CW and SSB)


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