It was great to finally hook up with Ol' Granpa/Marconi39zero on the air.
It is a rare DX condition for me in NW Arkansas to hook up with the Houston/Corpus Christi area. Doubling the pleasure was he worked his Sirio Gainmaster and barefoot Galaxy against me alternating between the homebrew 4el Yagi and Qv4k and my barefoot 88. Conditions could have been more favorable, but for what propagation we had, it was still great fun.
Our initial contact was on 27.385LSB after a local, 473 Earl, told me Ol' Grandpa was in there calling. We QSY'd to 27.365LSB to talk.
We gotta do it again, Marconi!
It is a rare DX condition for me in NW Arkansas to hook up with the Houston/Corpus Christi area. Doubling the pleasure was he worked his Sirio Gainmaster and barefoot Galaxy against me alternating between the homebrew 4el Yagi and Qv4k and my barefoot 88. Conditions could have been more favorable, but for what propagation we had, it was still great fun.
Our initial contact was on 27.385LSB after a local, 473 Earl, told me Ol' Grandpa was in there calling. We QSY'd to 27.365LSB to talk.
We gotta do it again, Marconi!