My HR2600 had a problem on USB receive. When the radio was turned on in USB the receive bars were maxed. I noticed if I tapped the sides the bars would drop and the receive would get louder. It was this way from when I bought it. I finally decided to see if I could locate the problem. I wrote Rogerbird and told him the symptoms and asked if he thought it sounded like loose screws. He wrote back and said it very well could be. He told me to open it and tighten the screws. I did so but the problem still existed. I wrote him back and he asked if I lifted the Microprocessor board and tightened the main board screws under it. I had not done that.
I unscrewed the board containing the microproccesor. It is attached to a tray. You have to unscrew the sides of the tray from the sides of the radio chassis because the screws holding the tray prevent you from lifting up the Microprocessor board. Sure enough there were 2 mounting screws for the mainboard underneath. And, yes they were loose. I tightened them and replaced the board and tray and fired it up and all was cured !
So I hope this simple fix for a display problem on a HR2600 helps someone. It would be good also no doubt for some diplay quirks in other radios. I know the Icom 2100H is said to be known to develope a static sound when keying the mic. This also is attributed to board mounting screws that need adjustment.
I unscrewed the board containing the microproccesor. It is attached to a tray. You have to unscrew the sides of the tray from the sides of the radio chassis because the screws holding the tray prevent you from lifting up the Microprocessor board. Sure enough there were 2 mounting screws for the mainboard underneath. And, yes they were loose. I tightened them and replaced the board and tray and fired it up and all was cured !
So I hope this simple fix for a display problem on a HR2600 helps someone. It would be good also no doubt for some diplay quirks in other radios. I know the Icom 2100H is said to be known to develope a static sound when keying the mic. This also is attributed to board mounting screws that need adjustment.