The SAT community is alive and well. I mainly use the handheld Arrow 70 cm model to track down power line noise. It works like a champ.
I can find the offending pole very easily. Then I call AEP with pole number so they can come out and pinpoint the hardware that's radiating with a hot stick and ultrasonic locator. Saves them time and helps getting RFI fixed quicker.
Don't really use it for regular HAM use. However, you'll find it useful when your up in the high country.
FYI, if you walk around the neighborhood with this antenna, you will draw suspicious stares from people whom will think you are spying on them. I had a guy skid to a stop in front of my car and jump out of his truck and accuse me of listening to his cell phone conversations.
I tried to explain in a nice way what I was doing, but basically told him he better get back in his truck and go home as his profanity laden tirade was starting to annoy me.