We got lucky here in South Jersey, the line separating snow and rain passed well to the north of us, and we just got soggy.....
Some people love the snow, and some hate it. I don't really hate snow, but I prefer it not snow here. Working in emergency rescue services, snow just makes my job a whole lot harder, and causes a sharp spike in business....
Years ago the vast majority of people wouldn't even think of calling for emergency assistance unless there was a real serious need for it, these days we have people calling 911 because they broke a finger nail, twisted an ankle, or get a splinter in their finger....add snow to this mix and they call you to come shovel their car out so they can go get into a motor vehicle accident on the way to the store for milk and bread they don't even need......:glare:
Snow can be one of nature's great beauties, but for me it's a headache no asprin can fix.......:headbang