i was thinking of getting two Uniden ESP20s and use a split pig tail on the back of the radio for both speakers one on each side of the dash would this produce some Surround?
i have two Jupiter Jacks and i use one of them time to time from radio to car stereo ( sounds good too )
i ask because my old Skool ( before my time ) Radio shack black and silver speaker well took a kapootz and distorts with a vol. no higher than 2 ...... cant drive and listen to the Dxlanders with distortion.
i have two Jupiter Jacks and i use one of them time to time from radio to car stereo ( sounds good too )
i ask because my old Skool ( before my time ) Radio shack black and silver speaker well took a kapootz and distorts with a vol. no higher than 2 ...... cant drive and listen to the Dxlanders with distortion.