And one last thing. All mobile antennas are not very efficient. The lower you go in frequency the lower that efficiency. Somewhere around 20 meters, +/- a bit, things start getting more efficient as the freq gets higher. That's because the 'size' of that antenna is getting closer to 'reasonable'. Doesn't matter what tuner is used, or how the thing is tuned, that's typically how it works. No idea what the actual figures are for those higher than 20 meter antennas of some particular size, in efficiency but I would guess something around 10 - 20 % if you are very lucky. I can say from experience that the lower bands, 80 and 40 meters, that efficiency goes waaay down. Something like maybe 1 - 2% on 80, maybe 4 - 6% on 40 meters.
The thing with those SGC tuners and a 102" whip is a pretty good example. From around 10 meters where that whip can be expected to give nice results, down to around 20 meters (+/- some), things really start to fall apart. Any lower than about 20 meters and you'd be better off just forgetting the whole thing. That tuner just doesn't have enough to work with.
Screwdriver antennas are sort of the same thing. There's more variation available so they tend to do better than a fixed length whip and a tuner. It's still a matter of something to work with though, and efficiency suffers.
Enough 'doom-n-gloom'! Mobile HF is still fun, certainly possible, just be realistic about it.
Big-n-ugly always works better than slim-sleek-streamlined. That's -THE- unwritten rule of mobile antennas.
- 'Doc