Is this part a quote from elsewhere? If so can you give a link?
The cap is 42 pF then? Plugging that into a model I get a surprising result...
Starting with a reference model currents + phase. This is what we would expect from such an antenna with no capacitor.
Playing with this model before, nothing I tried for a capacitance would benefit the model, but 42 pF is different... Here are the currents + phase for the antenna with a 42 pF capacitor in the middle of the antenna... NOTE, where the capacitor is on the antenna does make a difference here, quite a big one actually as only one location actually benefited the pattern any, most others had minimal effect, or a negative effect.
While it isn't making the current on the upper part of the antenna stronger, more of the antenna is in phase, which will have other benefits, for instance, low angle gain should increase as there is not as many out of phase currents present...
So I compared the radiation patterns...
The model with the capacitor made the red plot, while the reference made the blue plot. As expected from the change in radiation pattern, more low angle gain and less high angle gain. The angle of radiation has not, however changed, for those who are interested.
Also, with the capacitor in line, the R value the antenna presents at the feed point skyrockets from 86.7 to 1084. This would potentially put it in the range, if not very close, to an end fed half wave matching impedance, so if they also just happened to also make an end fed half wave antenna they could potentially drop its matching section into this antenna design with minimal if any needed changes...
Additionally, for those who care, the reference antenna has a radiation efficiency of 60.83, while the capacitor version has a radiation efficiency of 59.1, so the capacitor is causing a drop in efficiency. However, when looking at directivity, the reference has an RDF of 5.34, while the capacitor model has an RDF of 6. For this metric the higher the better. Essentially, the directivity the capacitor is adding is overcoming the additional losses the capacitor is also adding to the antenna.
Thanks for the capacitor data, it really helped.
The DB