Anyone who does not support a shutdown of truckers is a fool!
Now let me tell you why.
Everything and i mean everything you sleep on, live in, drive in or eat was at one time in the trailer of a truck. Anytime the expenses for us go up so do the prices you pay in the store, you like paying $5.00 for a gallon of milk and $3.00 for a loaf of bread? You all should be behind us for the simple fact that no one is behind you in trying to get the high cost of oil down and because we are the largest work force in the US we do have the power to make the oil companies change there ways, but only if we all stand together!
We are all getting raped by the oil companies and because of their greed and the governments incompetence we are in a rescission. Do you know that there have been no new refiners built in the US in the last 30 years.....even though Exxon posted over 40 billion in profits last year. Did any of you pay attention to the cost of gas and diesel in these last few weeks. When oil went nuts diesel shot up over night but gas stayed pretty much the same and even though oil is down to around $106.00 a barrel diesel is still $4.00! The reason for this is that big oil knows that the American people would go ape shat if the gas they use in there day to day lives would go high ( $4.00 for reg ) over night but since truckers need fuel and will not agree on anything they think that they can take advantage of us with no repercussions, which for the part is true and that needs to change!
The government is making money on this hand over foot and they will not do anything to change things. Now if 10 thousand trucks were to park it for 72 hours they would have no choice but to do something because people would be raising hell that there products are not where they should be. There is no reason for oil to be this high! It was reported by an annalist on CNN that oil should be $70.00 to $80.00 not over $112.00 and it's well known that if big oil would build new refiners here in the US that would bring the prises down but because of that they will not do it.
Will a strike help anything? It's not clear but i would like to think that if at least some of the American people would take a stand then government would see that we will no longer be taken advantage of by the very people that we elected to take care of this counrty and it's people!