I was at a yard sale and bought this base station for cheap. I do not have an outside antenna, so I connected an old 8 foot marine whip to it and I can hear some conversation, but the gauge doesn't move much when transmitting. I changed antennas to a Wilson 5000, with no difference.
Should I take this to a shop to get looked at? Is this a good CB Base station or should I use this for a boat anchor?
If someone has a manual on pdf, please send it to me.
Seth Anderson
Moon, VA
I was at a yard sale and bought this base station for cheap. I do not have an outside antenna, so I connected an old 8 foot marine whip to it and I can hear some conversation, but the gauge doesn't move much when transmitting. I changed antennas to a Wilson 5000, with no difference.
Should I take this to a shop to get looked at? Is this a good CB Base station or should I use this for a boat anchor?
If someone has a manual on pdf, please send it to me.
Seth Anderson
Moon, VA