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Install a 2SC1969 transistor in a Uniden PC78XL

Switch Kit

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2005
it's very possible Small ,there's a little bit more to it then just the final change but if you were to change the driver as well to a 2314 and jump the anti-spiking diode (the big one that runs along side the audio transformer in the radio) it's the big one ,you can possibley see about a 7 to 8 watt DK with a 30 to 35 watt pep swing,but to see the 40 to 50 watt pep you would have to change a few more parts but even still,7 to 35 ain't bad and if you were to do a cap/resistor mod you could see 1.5 to 2 watt DK swing'in that same 30 to 35 watts pep ,now that ain't bad for a regular ole cb radio don't cha know ...damned near turns that puppy into export quality :D Godd Luck too you.

I would like to install the 2SC1969 final transistor into this radio for some more output, however I would like to know the correct way to do this to get full potential. <img src=http://www.wwdx.org/smilies/posticon60.gif ALT=":60">

What other components need to be changed to make this mod really swing some wattage ? <img src=http://www.wwdx.org/smilies/Confused2.gif ALT=":confused2">

Some places I have read to change the driver transistor as well ?

I would like to try to get 30-50 watt peak out of this radio. Is this possible ? <img src=http://www.wwdx.org/smilies/posticon13.gif ALT=":p13">

I would take it to a tech, but we are lacking them here in Phoenix. So I guess I'm just going to have to do it on my own. I have changed finals before and have moderate to good soldiering skills.

Any help or info is appreciated. <img src=http://www.wwdx.org/smilies/posticon40.gif ALT=":40">

I would like to install the 2SC1969 final transistor into this radio for some more output, however I would like to know the correct way to do this to get full potential. <img src=http://www.wwdx.org/smilies/posticon60.gif ALT=":60">

What other components need to be changed to make this mod really swing some wattage ? <img src=http://www.wwdx.org/smilies/Confused2.gif ALT=":confused2">

Some places I have read to change the driver transistor as well ?

I would like to try to get 30-50 watt peak out of this radio. Is this possible ? <img src=http://www.wwdx.org/smilies/posticon13.gif ALT=":p13">

I would take it to a tech, but we are lacking them here in Phoenix. So I guess I'm just going to have to do it on my own. I have changed finals before and have moderate to good soldiering skills.

Any help or info is appreciated. <img src=http://www.wwdx.org/smilies/posticon40.gif ALT=":40">

Tech's secrets ? I did say to change the driver to a 2314 and that should help you for a little more ? ...not up on the 78XL ? ..like I've read so many times before how tech;s do these mod's everyday of the week and get the 40 to 50 watts pep your looking for . Now from what IM reading around these parts from other "tech's" or so it would seem ? they ain't tell'in how ? ...I suppose it's all about business ? ..it's all good to say the least...if I truly knew how ? I'd let you know S-T-D ..So your in Arizona ? ...it would more then likely only cost you a few dollars to ship the radio to So.Cal. ,FG-Best does a fine job on those mod's for about 60.00 from what I understand ...I realize it's kind of frustrating when the parts you use can only add up to about 5 bucks or so where you can pay upwards to 20 times that to have somebody else do it )-: it kind of reminds me of wiring a mic ...simple enough but yet the tech will get what he gets because he knows where the wires go where maybe somebody else won't .....as I've said before ...I've gotten 30 to 35 watts out of 25 LTD's PC-66s and 29 LTDs with just the driver and the finals but yet I still haven't seen the bigger 40 to 50 watt numbers as of yet ? I have changed other components as was suggested by others but still haven't seen those bigger numbers ? So up to this point and what little knowledge I have ...if I should want more out of a AM radio (Some) ? I'll just change the driver and final ...chances are I will be using an amplifier anyway.....it's more so a hobby for me then not and I just tend to have fun with it .....IM no expert that's for sure ....just your everyday hacking hobbiest who happens to have the opertunaty to learn as he goes along. Good Luck S-T-D

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