I feel the need to rant today so bear with me. I spent over an hour and a half yesterday trying to redeem an IRC (International Reply Coupon) at my local USPS Office. My first attempt resulted in only being turned away saying they had never seen one and didn't know what to do with it. Something I took in stride due to the little town that I live in. This resulted in a search and query at the USPS website which described what an IRC was but provided no help in redemption protocol that I could take back to the local office. I then called customer service and again no real help except that I call a main office long distance for aide. They were nice and told me to take the IRC back to the local office, along with their number and have the clerk call said number and they would walk them through the process. So, I did. Even then they couldn't get their software to accept payment via the IRC. There was nothing in there that would match up. After the 90 min wait the postmaster finally intervened and told the clerk to accept the IRC as payment at the rate of 1 oz postage and sent me on my way. I sure hope my QSL card actually makes it to the SWL listener who requested it in Finland.
OK I'm done with my rant now.:redface:
Wayne C.
OK I'm done with my rant now.:redface:
Wayne C.