I suggest that any wwdx members who would like to possibly have a shot to speak to each other on air,tune in to channel 20 am, tomorrow on October 12 2014 between 11am and 7 pm eastern time as skip seems to be at it's strongest between those hours. I also suggest that any member's who decide to participate use wwdx as a prefect to there handle. or call sign i.e."wwdx lupus unit 123 south Jersey garden state standing by". Im suggesting channel 20 am because not not all memembers own a ssb rig and some may only be using a 23 channel rig. Don't laugh I've been using my sonar fs23 for a few days and have been enjoying it big time. My handle is lupus unit 123 in the garden state. If your a wwdx member and hear "wwdx lupus unit 123 in the garden state", holla back. I would love to finally hear the voice of a member that I only know through the posts thay write. If you think it's a good idea please pass the time and channel along to other members on other wwdx forums. I myself will be there.