I was given this by a local here for me to set up and test, so he could listen to how it sounds. Mined you now, this is small test and there will be more to follow.
1st station was 2 miles from me.
2nd station was 8 miles from me - which he has worked on solid state radio's for the last 40 yrs.
I will make this short for now and just give the results.
Radio - 2970dx
After all said and done, both stations agreed that the mic was not very strong in the audio department. They have both said that the same radio with the 575 and Turner +3 was double the audio than what the 201M was doing.
The mic was only tested on SSB.
The mic preformed the best in only one setting and that setting was:
Mic was set; FM mode, Low compression.
It didn't work good in manual mode when using the mic gain on the base - although it would drive the radio well, it just didn't have any "punch".
On thing to note here that I didn't care for was, when running in Low Compression mode, the output of the radio dropped 20 watts! The same 20 watt lose when moving to High Compression.
It never sounded good with the switch set in the SSB mode.
My next test will be using the 2950dx. I will be curious to see what the output will be with this radio.