I was out there this morning about 9 AM. In fact, I gave 'ol '40-40' ('foutymobile')and his buddy '711' a hard time on the radio on ch 17 before I got there! They were leaving when I was getting there. The best time is to get there when all of the trucks unload; get there too early and all you get are the worms!
The swap meet was OK I guess. There was a guy out there selling a Bird meter - but wanted a little too much for it. So - I passed on it. At least I didn't get a $35 parking ticket this time from the DeAnza College campus parking Nazis. I bought a pound of 63-37 solder for $9 as a consolation prize. Last time I was out there, I got an almost new low-pass filter for my Ham setup, a radio Shack 3-amp power supply, and a SBE/SSB mobile radio for under $25 total! The radio and the power supply needs some work still, but worth the time to fix.