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Just Say No To SkyWalker Electronics

how to fix

what i have done in a similar situation is contact the better buisness bureau at,
United States and Canada BBB Consumer and Business Reviews, Reports, Ratings, Complaints and Accredited Business Listings
register a complaint i hat to with a scam another supposed reputable dealer tried using the internet to advertize a prisce then hide behind shipping only not using the word handling with it acting like shipping was 15 dollars more then it actually was then when i questioned them about it was hung up ou. so it was off to make a complant. being you fellows have ben charged and sent the wrong iten and refusal to rectify it is now fraud. good luck
I finally did it...

I had the day off and took care of buisness and called the BBB and reported Jack from Skywalker electronics.Maybe this issue will finally get resolved?Hopefullly!!!
What ever any body does DO NOT perchase skywalkers amps,Jack there has skrewed me and haven't herd from him in two months to make it right and it was may 2010 when I order was placed and now september and still not resolved!If you would like to know what happend was I orderd a 900 mosfet mobile in black case with variable power and sideband delay and a 900 mosfet base black with variable power sideband delay and a remote for the mobile amp.Here is what he sent me was a stright 4pill white case and a on/off switch and a straight 4 pill base on/off switch sideband delay and No remote even if it was here their no hook ups for it!So needless to say i called him and said instead of shipping it back just send me a 1pill base and 1 pill mobile and I will call it good and It took him 1 month to ponder that and finally he gave in back in the end of june first july and won't return my calls and won't answer EVER.I think I might just be SOL.But ANY suggestions would greatly be helpful!Heck I might Just sell all of the amps that I do have witch are both brand new Never used and get somthing small and NOT assoiated with this company/dead beat buisness!!!!!

Same thing just happened to me. Ordered a black mosfet 900 and received a white 4x2879 - with a variable and no drive section.. When I emailed them asking WTF, Jack told me that "This Mosfet Amp requires 100w of drive".. Sent email back telling him this is nt what i ordered and dont want it, havent heard back from him.. Just this past weekend, the website was changed and all mosfet amp descriptions now say "replacement sky2/4/etc."
This was my first and LAST experience with skywalker.:mad:
ya so i gave it 30 days to let the BBB do their thing and than a week ago I deciced to call Jack back and he finally answerd and I REALLY let my frustrations out on him since I couln't get ahold of him on the phone for 3 months.So we disputted it back and forth and he to say the least he asked me what can I do to make you happy and I said ship me what I orderd the first time and send a call tag to pick up the wrong equiptment you shipped me,BUT I will ship it back to you once you give me a comfirmation # showing my origanal order is in route and he said ok.I was amaized.I then decided to look at his web page and seen that all the Mosfet amps were replaced by sky 4 so I tryed calling hime in the last week multiple times to ask what he is sending since their is no mosfets they must be having issues with who nows whats the deal is?But he did email me Last Sunday Saying when fedex picks up your shippment you will get a com number, showing fedex has pick up your order.In his words?But now I really dont know what he will be sending me to fix the problem?
I told him to send me what i orderd witch was a Mosfet 900 base and Mosfet 900 mobile and and remote and have everything it shows in the picture on his web page because I had tried to get a full refund and he said no in so many words thats why I got real vocal with him.I tald him I want this resolved ASAP this has been going on since I Orderd this all back in May.
So I got ahold of Jack today and asked why mosfets were replaced by sky 4 and was told they were weak and lots of problems so he was trying a beafier style and will take a couple months to see if their good enought,I proceeded to tell him who I was and he paused and I asked him so what were you planning on sendind me he replied I will be sending you a base and moble amp and I asked with the remote and All nessasary switches And Jack said YES.I soon asked so the call tag will be in the box with the product you sent me,he said no you keep what you have and I sent you a 100-200 watt mobile and base amps.I was Very shocked but this is what I origanally suggested to him back in June.I asked for the tracing # and I looked it up and its in route,I said I will waite to see what shows up in the mail but Im really hope this is the last of it,But we shall see!!!(y)
I think talking to the BBB and spredding the word on the forum has helped out alot.Thanks for the helfull input guys.I will let you all know how it goes.(y)
He finally sent drivers...

Well to I got home to see that Skywalker sent me my two drivers.One is for the 4 pill base and the other for the 4 pill mobile.they still wern't black and he didn't sent remote but really it's better than the allternative.Now that is left to do is hook them all up.Oh ya I almost forgot they are MOSFET drivers,we shall see if they are ok because Jack just told me that they were having problems with them,they were weak and he was stepping up to a beafier style.I guess time will tell?
well personally I am a fan of fatboy amps. I have owned several over the past couple of years and absolutely will not buy anything else. I started with a 300 watt and eventually gotten up to 900 watts. I don't want to run anything bigger right now simply because I run a stock altenator, but you better believe when I do go bigger it will be with a fatboy.

It's yellowjacket rockin the heavy chevy on the southside of my bluegrass state. You just got stung I'm gone now!!
If I would have only done the same and got a better amp from a company that really cares about their customers I might of never had these issues.

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