I can't tell you what the going price is for a '700, I haven't looked lately. Something in the neighborhood of $300 would be a very good price for a bare bones '700. With 'extras' is should go for more than that, I would think. I use a '700 for a digipeater so would certainly be interested in a very cheap '700 for another digipeater! That means that I think a price of something like 20 or 30 dollars would be nice, you know?? So, rather than try to 'con' you I'd have to say that around $300 is a good price. Bumping it up to $350 for what you have wouldn't be unreasonable, I guess.
If you can't find a buyer for that price I'm more than willing to go as much as $50 dollars right now! Yeah, hold my breath right?? Oh well...
- 'Doc