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KL-203P on a General Lee?


Feb 5, 2013
Hello all,

I have a General Lee in my truck and I am thinking about adding a RM Italy KL-203P kicker. Other than checking the dead key and swing, is there anything else I need to look at or do?


You MUST make sure that your Lee dead keys 1 watt and swings 10-14 watts max. The KL203 is a light duty low low drive amplifier, a fan might be a nice touch as well.
Ok- I'm going to try and check it tomorrow. If my dead key or swing is too high an I turn it down myself or do I need to take it to a shop? I've worked on Cobra 29s but not my Lee.

Sent from my TB782B using Tapatalk 2
Is it the regular or the HP version of the General Lee?

HP version - no way.

Regular version set the deadkey to 1 watt and try to keep peak under 30 watts and it should be okay although it will run hot and I'd suggest adding a fan.

Better choice would be to step up to a 2 x 2879 amp which will match up better with the General Lee.
I agree with what has been said. The ONLY way a General Lee of any vintage will work is if you de-tune it to 1 watt swinging 10-14 watts.

Next issue, if you are not a skilled radio tech leave it to someone that is. If it was really that simple your good techs would not be flooded with work.

You might just try to find a nice 2 pill amplifier like a Texas Star 250/350 or the same in your favorite brand. Then run the Lee on the Lo power setting. Something like 2 watts swinging 25 ish maybe.
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I have the regular General Lee, not the HP. I may do a little more research before I order an amp- I need something smallish in size that won't require any major modifications to my pickup.

Sent from my TB782B using Tapatalk 2
The regular Lee is still a dual final radio, correct? I still say it is too much for the little 203, the 203 is perfect for single final radio like the cobra 29-25 etc., even a connex 3300 -NOT HP
I have the regular General Lee, not the HP. I may do a little more research before I order an amp- I need something smallish in size that won't require any major modifications to my pickup.

Sent from my TB782B using Tapatalk 2

With smaller amplifiers less then say 400 watts there should be no "mods" to your vehicle needed. You will however need to run the power line direct to the battery. The ground can be a short run to the firewall or floor board.

Even though I am not a fan of class C amplifiers, this Midnight Special 250 is not a bad bit of performance for the money.
Midnight Special
ok so the KL is a no go. I've got a dead key of about 10 swinging about 35. The Midnight Special looks interesting....

Sent from my TB782B using Tapatalk 2
I think everyone is underestimating the KL203. I can name 5-6 dual final radios I've into the same KL203 at one point or another and it is still running strong.

As much as people talk about blowing up amps it's actually a lot harder to do than you'd think. Amps get smoked because people make mistakes. If you have a good setup and watch your input, it's unlikely you'll ever blow an amp.

Most people just overdrive the KL units because they haven't set up their radios properly. The low deadkey is the important part.

Again in this case I wouldn't suggest the KL203 as the ideal amp for a General Lee but they certainly can be paired with a dual final radio pretty easily as long as you know what you're doing.

I'd also avoid the Midnight Special amps - the last 2 I've dealt with had issues.

If you're looking for a lower priced amplifier and something smaller in size you most likely are going to have to lower your deadkey to the 1-4 watt range. The type of amplifiers you're considering will run best with a lower input.

You need to understand that you can't just take your General Lee with a 10 watt deadkey and install an amp and be ready to go. You'll need to do a bit more reading and learn more about the install process and how to set up your radio to properly drive the amplifier.
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