Hey all,
wondering what the recommended size in-line fuse for the older model Lincolns ya'll recommend for the power cord? Mine is the older 10 watt AM / 21 watts SSB Lincoln. I have gotten away with 4 amp quick blowing fuses but will occasionally blow them on sideband. Yeah Imagine that. I am being too cautious I guess. What is the norm? Running barefoot I only see about a 6 amp draw max on my power supply (while maxing audio on Sideband). No problems on am but I understand why. Should I jump to 6 amp fuses?
700 North West Florida
wondering what the recommended size in-line fuse for the older model Lincolns ya'll recommend for the power cord? Mine is the older 10 watt AM / 21 watts SSB Lincoln. I have gotten away with 4 amp quick blowing fuses but will occasionally blow them on sideband. Yeah Imagine that. I am being too cautious I guess. What is the norm? Running barefoot I only see about a 6 amp draw max on my power supply (while maxing audio on Sideband). No problems on am but I understand why. Should I jump to 6 amp fuses?
700 North West Florida