So I tested out my cb today and found that I had the most unexpected thing happen. I hooked everything up using a cheap antenna that mounts magnetically. (Probably my problem) this is on an 01 ford f150. I was figuring on at least static. Instead I fired everything up and nothing. It was like the antenna did not even exist. I keyed the mic only to find that it would sqwall at me. If I barely pressed the button the radio speaker would sqwall instead. So I'm down 3 things that could be my problem. Antenna, radio, or location. I have never tried running a radio under a roof before but I assumed that I would have the static. This was my first attempt at actually hooking everything up. The radio lights all turned on and it has a knob display for the channels instead of the normal digital type. The meeter would barely move at all and it only did when I played with the knobs a little bit. I treys two different mics and got the same results with both of them. I know that normally you have to peak and tune everything before you can run it but this is not the vehicle I plan on running it on just the one I happened to test it on due to a larger ground plane. I moved the antenna from the top of the cab to the back of the bed hoping that being closer to the oppen door that I would get some signal. Does anybody agree with my theory that if it gets static it's at least working. This thing is to old to have the clarifier that some of the new ones have it think. It was made in 76. (One reason the radio is suspect) I know that's its incorrect to test one under a roof like did and I won't be doing that again. Does anybody have anything ells that would cause the thing to be quiet like it was off but light up or of my theory is in fact correct and being under a roof could cause that? I was also dealing with high winds and storm clouds if that is helpful information at all.