You may find that funny, and it is in it's own weird way, but as a professional fire fighter I loath people like that. Their homes are a disaster waiting to happen, and when the place is on fire, and you have to go in there to locate the fire when it's full of smoke with no visibility, it becomes a fireman's worst nightmare. You walk in, a stack of boxes falls over behind you, and you can't get out. There's not enough room for an average sized person to walk through most of that pig sty of a house, imagine trying to do that in full turnout gear and an airpack on your back.
I've had the pleasure of fighting fires in places like that, and I wanted the home owner arrested for endangering the lives of the responders, but that's not good public relations, so they just got turned over to Human Relations, and told they needed to investigate a change in life style.....:blink:
People like her are sick, and they need to be put in a padded cell with no computer access.....