The TNT Amps are good. No splatter box. Keep the input drive low and stop trying to think wattage numbers so much. A TNT 600HD wirks fine on SSB. Just don't over drive it. Max pep wattage of 40-50 watts and a dead key of 4-6 watts should be fine. There will be no noticeable difference between the amp doing 400 watts or it doing 600 or more watts other than making more heat and no one on the other end will notice the difference. A guy I know just sent a TNT 350hd to Crusher, a forum member here and had it made into a real Theramlly tracked AB bias amp. Most amp manufactures of 11m amps aren't going to build class AB amps as it takes time to get everything right. From what I have heard though, the new owner of Xforce is working on improving the current bias and input circuits on the TNT line. Look for the quality to actually go up and not Down! That's a good thing. Anyway. These are just my experiences and what I know about the TNT amps. I have a 600hd and also a magnaforce 359hd which is basically a TNT 350hd and both work great on SSB. I don't over drive them. Heck I used a uniden 980 with the TNT 600hd for a while before getting a real HF radio and now the amp just sits on the shelf. Amazing what a better antenna and real HF radio will do with just 100 watts. Get my named called more now than before and if I can hear them I can talk to them unless Mother Nature isn't being nice! Might want to consider stepping up to a real HF radio and a good antenna instead of spending it on an amp. Been there and done that. I can tell you this. If you are already having issues with your computer speakers, it's gonna be worse with an amp. Get your antenna setup right and youwont need all that power man. Spend the money on a quality antenna and it will return the favor by making you many contacts and still have some money left over!! And also getting an HF radio is another idea to think about. It's a different league or radios I'll say that, even the older ones. As far as the amps go, the TNT line works well on both am and SSB as long as they aren't overdriven or get hot! And keep the input vswr down below 1.3:1. JMHO.