Made in the USA is alive and well in Mt. Carroll, IL. Home of Maco and Gizmotchy antennas.
We presently have a two meter nine element antenna being tested on an antenna farm, and are testing new mobile antennas for 10/11 meters.
We have a new antenna called the Asteroid that has been tested and the part prints are being drawn up for production and instruction sheets are being developed. This antenna was tested by a good friend, John Jones in Alabama. It should be available in two months.
We are also have a customer overseas that we are designing a special mobile antenna for on our new antenna winding machine. This new mobile antenna will to go with the new base antenna we already designed and they currently use. While these new antennas will probably never be used in the USA the customer has the ability to install our antennas on all of the commercial vehicles in their county.
We bought a rotor repair business in the summer and have relocated to Mt. Carroll, IL. This business still needs to be set up as we have a lot of requests.
Our next new employee has been hired and is scheduled to start January 1, 2012 to produce our mobile antennas.
While I realize it is harder for our customers to now talk to me personally it is because I am involved in all the new projects and extremely busy. A lot of you have talked to Kay in our office and I want to assure everyone that she knows a lot about antennas and if she can't help you she refers you to me. My goal is to hire and train compent people so the company will continue on if something would happen to me. Kay is one of those people.
If you have a small company related to the communications field that you would like to sell, call us up, we are buying.
We are alive and well.
Tom Charles