NWPA, take these ideas below with a grain of salt, but I would at least check before you raise your beam up high.
You did good, but the band switch on my old President did not produce output power into a good dummy load...that showed even close to the same output power on each band on my inline watt meter. I could have had a bad band switch modification however.
I would suspect lossy feed lines, based on what you showed us earlier in the videos, and now what you tell us you're using...very old feed lines your Daddy used.
If you get a chance I would at least check the feed lines for excessive loss. If you have lossy fed lines it is hard to tell...just using your radio. But, it could be making for less signal at a distance, which also can be hard to tell just using your radio.
Lossy feed lines will not necessarily stop the antenna from working for you, but the feed lines could be heavy with attenuation loss.
If you can tell us what your (less than <2.00:1 SWR bandwidth) shows for both polarities at the best resonance you can find in the three bands you have.