I would be careful using the wilson 5000 mount for the sirio antenna. JMO, the base load of the sirio is taller and the whip is longer than the wilson 5000, it may work, but I would have purchased the pl145 mag mount that sirio recommends using for that antenna. I bought both the 145 and 125 mag mounts, the 145 is 6" and the 125 is 5", and the 125 would not hold the weight of the pl5000 properly in my own experience. Just be careful with that wilson mount. I just am going by what was recommended to me when I purchased the antenna as well. When I asked if the 5" mag would work, they said to use the 6" mag mount due to the weight. Just some food for thought and I would hate to hear that you busted a window or worse by the mag mount coming off during high speed travel.