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Magnum 257


Feb 19, 2010
hey guys i have a magnum 257 and im trying to stomp down the SSB power on it but if i get it to swing to about 15- to 20 watts it starts sounding like crap and not putting out power all the time. i got am down to its min about 6 watts. but ssb is giving me issues.. does anyone have any info on detuning this radio....

What do you mean when you say you have the AM down to 6 watts? That radio should have variable power so a dead key range of say 1-6 watts should be no problem. Without any exotic mods you should also be able to control the peak wattage from say 30 watts down to 10-12 PEP. If you try to go much lower then that could throw things out of whack and cause it to sound crappy as you stated. Is it the newer blue face mosfet powered 257 or the old dual 1969 final version?
rf power for all modes can be done with the external knob .make sure when your doing this
to use there rf power knob
1]set rf all way up adjust high power am/fm/ssb
2]set rf power all way down set low power on all modes
weres your mike gain set at when not sounding good?
when tuning are ya using just a dummy load no antenna,amps,ect
my magnum omega force does
am1-10 dk 40 pep
ssb 5 -40,45
hope this helps some of this stuff ya aleady know not sure just trying to help
ya thats a fine radio
To follow up on what has been said -

1) That radio should be able to key 1 watt with the variable RF in the low position. If in the low position it's keying 6 watts someone has messed with the radio.

2) On SSB that radio should easily swing above 25 watts with clean modulation. The stock microphone works excellent - if you've added something different I'd suggest going back to the stock microphone.

Sounds like someone who didn't know what they were doing was messing with your radio.

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