King, I am impressed so far, but I didn't expect a real big difference as my few Signal reports indicate. You can look in my link to the Signal Report above and see my few results thus far.
I know that the .64 is not as strongly built as Jay's antenna, but I believe it is perfectly adequate for most installs. Most of the reports thus far, where I have asked for a signal report, have indicated that there is a slight edge with the I-10K. I also get some local reports of the opposite response, just like I did with the Starduster testing over a two month period.
With the few skip contacts I have made so far, the .64 is said to be noticably louder, but I have not thus far seen any differences in skip signals even while things tend to go up and down. I can generally switch fast enough to get a clue as to what is going on.
I set the gamma tune and the overall length just as Eddie instructed and went up with it and it was dead on frequency. My overall tip length came out to be 1/2" longer than Eddie said it should for 11 meters. But he tuned for 27.255 and I tuned for 27.205 and maybe that made the difference.
Eddie also dimples the lower segments so there is no guess work to measurements, except top section and of course for the gamma device. I will suggest that any one getting one of these to remove the vertical element from the base and measure for overall length that way, guessing where the bottom is in the base will probably get you into trouble with the tune. But just as a clue there is a small round headed screw in the middle of the base of the antenna and that is where the bottom sits to measure. This is not noted in the documentation. The docs are very good however and the antenna is very easy to assemble. I had it up in less than two full hours.
I also think the base needs to be maybe 6" longer allowing for more mast to ride inside as support for the antenna. Also a double wall segment about 4' long inside the very base of the stinger would be a nice strengthing move for the element to base area. I also replaced the three top hose clamps with larger ones to insure a good contact. The ones that came with the antenna are small and they won't take much tightning. Of course it could be said that they don't need much either, with that small tubing. Just my opinion.
The .64 antenna is generally quiter than the I-10K at all times. I find this to be the case with antennas that have a direct connection to the ground, like in the I-10K. It is not much, but it is noticable.