One rule of thumb for testing antennae: both antenna's MUST be on the same mounting pole with the same coax, same pl plug, mounting pole at the exact same height, the coax running along the ground in the same place and preferably both tests should be done within 10 minutes of each other.
Reasons: if you place two antennae on two different poles with two sets of pl plugs, two sets of coax and in two different locations then you are not testing one antenna against another, you are actually testing your ability to solder, the difference between the pl plugs, the difference in coax loss, the attenuation of each set up against each other and finally if you cannot test within 5 or 10 minutes on the same pole then ultimately you are going to be effected by skip conditions.
I'm sorry to say Marconi that the way you are testing antennae is pointless and futile.