Found this on ebay really cheap, it has no model number or anything besides a serial #. Very basic radio, with only squelch, volume, ch.9, cb/pa, a up/down flip type switch to change channels, and a switch to select AM and FM. The radio is made of metal, which was a big surprise compared to maxons I have seen here in the US. The knobs are backlit and it looks really cool at night too, just like some of our high end 10 meter and exports.
The mic is very small, about the size of a lapel mic for an HT. This rig is tiny, but very impressive RX, much better than the GE or the Cobra 19 I had that are about the same size. When I tested it out the mic was bad, sounded like crap but using another mic I was able to get good reports on AM.
I would really like to know what model this is, and what this is, I have searched for hours before and after I bought it, most similar thing I can find was the MX-2000 and 3000, but they dont have switches to select am/fm, cb/pa, etc, but instead have buttons. I suspect its an EU model, I never head of maxon making a 10 meter or export rig, if so woulnt it be a multi rig capable of operating out of band?
I always thought maxons were crap till I got this thing, this is cool.