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I just Sold my Melaka to some one and he is complaining of it buzzing. Any one know what i can tell him to do to make it stop buzzing. I know it is the power supply. My cobra does the same thing its just not as bad.
no problem, just make sure he gets either the same voltage or higher. the values will be written on the caps like 1000uf 16v, so a 1000up 25v would be ok but not a 1000uf 10v
yup, you can get a couple smaller ones and series them together for the same value, the actual replacment cap is pretty expensive if i rember right, if its the same one as my 2517 it was about $28 from a dealer, i got some smaller ones and added together. its just there to take the ripple out of it so you can just get pretty close, it doesnt need to be exact.
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