I've found an antenna that works well for me. It isn't any kind of 'gain' antenna, just a typical 1/4 wave on 2 meters, which will also work on 70 cm. Actually it's a bit shorter than 19 inches, something like 15 inches, but it appears to be loaded at the base. That along with a 'rat tail' does just dandy for an HT. I don't expect much from an antenna (of any kind) on an HT that you carry around with you. It's not very realistic to expect much with an HT, get used to that. Connected to a 'real-live' base type antenna I would expect the performance any other 5 watt radio would have (if your HT does 5 watts). Several manufacturers sell a 1/4 wave for an HT, pick the one you think is best.
- 'Doc