"The look on your face the first time it happened to you."
The question is do most of you have to readjust you mic gain when you change from AM to LSB. I use a Texas Ranger 696 FD1 for a base radio for sideband. I do not have any meters to measure the radios output. I recently picked up a never used RM KL503 HD- My first amplifier. I took everything to DTB for Dave to let me know what power setting is cleanest with the amp and what the expected output would be. Dave explained to me the 503 HD was cleaner than he expected. On AM the cleanest was setting 5, it outputs just under 200 watts at 13.8 volts on bench. Setting 4 with SSB output about the same. I am very pleased. I was only looking for 200 watts. That being said. My 696 had not been opened up in years. I can see the O-scope and Spectrum Analyzer at same time on Dave's setup. My 696 had a Top Gun MD-1 in it and the O-scope pattern was a mess and it was putting out extra harmonics. That's what the Mr. Bill expression is about, I found out my radio was not as clean as I thought it was. Dave De-Top Gunned the radio and retuned what was needed to clean it up. It also had a broken tuning slug, but the slug was still able to be turned. With the Top Gun MD-1, my meter on the radio bounced like a Super Ball from a 25 cent gum ball machine. I am assuming the big time dancing swing was the MD-1 and harmonics. I see about half the swing I used to see with the MD-1 installed. This is all without the amp. Is it normal to readjust the mic gain for usage on side band? I am just using a stock Superstar coffin mic, It seems to sound best with this radio.