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it just looks like a version of a audio mod done to the radio. since it is tied into R259 and it is in the audio section and tied into D71 I think it is. so you can leave it in or take it out. would bet it increases the audio on the radio.. just have not seen it done this way but should be just fine.
Onelasttime guess the tech felt he needed to do the mod to get more swing out of the radio. to me this is just like the diode added to the resister at R264 or R238 locations to lower the dead key and give the radio a little more swing..
not sure why they want to add all the mods to a radio other than to make money.
over the years I have seen so many swing mods added to radios that I can not remember all of them.
one I use to see added back in the 80's they would add 2 resisters to the cap just in front of the AM regulator the 2sb817 location. which back then was a 2sb754 I think it was.
Sonoma I have a 2970 that someone did that mod to they used two protection style diodes and cut a trace between the two. I jumped the trace and never saw a difference. Now I need to find out why the radio flat tops at low power. They may have snuck in another mod I did not find Yet LOL. OOps I just hijacked my own thread.
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