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Modulation Adjustment advice needed


Sr. Member
Feb 22, 2019
A few days ago I hooked up my DX 2547 to try it out with some DX rolling and noticed I had to turn up the RF power adjustment a little higher on dead key to get my meter to swing as high as some of my other radios. So I investigated the modulation on AM and found it was only about 75%. So I tried 2 other meters for the same results. I then decided to bypass all the equipment tied in to my system and just test my meters with just the radio,the meter, and a 300 watt dry dummy load. With that test all 3 meters showed over 100% modulation. Confused I hooked the radio back up to the way it was originally with my preferred Meter, KL-503 P amp, and a low pass filter and my antenna. Then we was back to 75% modulation again. Do I need to turn up the AMC to compensate for all the equipment in line because I had to turn the dead key up to almost 3 watts to get the meter to swing to 300 watts with the amp turned on ????

The AMC holds you back farther as you turn down the carrier. This is the first reason you see the AMC either being disabled or cranked to max when using an amplifier.

Thanks for the reply Nomad ! I just don't want to burn up my radio or amp. I've given a shout to DX land but haven't got a come back yet. I'll mark where the AMC is at and then try to tweak it up a little.

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