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More on this solar cycle......


Yes, that's 3100 degrees F. Nine yrs of hard work.
Apr 5, 2005
West Coast - Washington
Just copied this from Spaceweather.com

SUNSPOT NUMBERS AT A 20-YEAR HIGH: For the second month in a row, the monthly-average sunspot number is cruising toward a 20-year high. The current value, around 230, would eclipse every month since Sept. 2001, which occured during the peak of old Solar Cycle 23. The current cycle (Solar Cycle 25) was not supposed to be this strong, and it may become even stronger before Solar Max is finished.

I've seen opinions on Cycle 25 that run from it's sliced-bread, to it blows big chunks and we're already on the the downslope.10m is slowly improving but it's not great, some of the other HF bands have been very good for me. Predictions aside, I'm just keeping the radio on, spinning the big knob and taking it as it comes.

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