I just bought this antenna. I was shocked at how good the quality was. I tried Sirio Beam 3 element made in Italy. Made very well. No comparison to this Mosley 11 METER ground plane antenna. I used an Imax 2000 before I got this one and SWR was always moving around. I set this one up no SWR for the 40 channels above and below on the CB band. No coils or anything like that. Just put it together. There is a sire you put on the outside that attaches to the ground and hot wire of the antenna. I could barely talk locally with my Imax 2000. I put this one up increased my gain by 4db on everyone's meter and they could hear me super loud. I talked to one person that was 25 miles away from me. He said he had a 9 to 10 on me using the exact same equipment. This antenna is built so solid, engineered beautifully and simple. The metal is super thick on all the radials. So light pick it up and hold it up in the air with one hand/arm without any issues. 21 feet tall , 9' radials. It is on sale right now for $399. Worth every penny of it. I talk all over the world now to Ireland, London, Germany, Scotland, France etc. Blows my mind!!!! And it is 27 Mhz. I use it for 10 meters I have my Technician license. Talked to Mexico easily from Ohio. Really a beautifully made antenna. Cheers. 73 "The Saint"