I’ve been working on an old 23Ch Motorola Mocat 2020 lately and since there’s little repair info about them, I thought some of you might be interested in knowing a couple LED orange display substitutes I found. My Mocat had a bad segment on one of the digits (pet peeve I can’t live with), so the search was on. The original LED is a Fairchild MAN3620A. The NTE3062 and the SK3062 are compatible substitutes. All three of these from what I’ve read are obsolete, but NOS can still be found. I managed to find a stateside seller that had a group of 6 SK3062’s for $14. I was thinking that I may need to replace both digits to get a perfect match, but I lucked out. After a comparison I decided it wouldn’t be worth replacing the other one. They were so close in brightness and color you could hardly notice any difference. Besides, the Mocats have double sided boards making any part replacement extra tedious. Later I went back to the same seller on Ebay to determine if he had any more SK’s left. Unfortunately he sold the last of them, but I’m relatively confident the NTE3062 is exactly the same thing. I seen a few sellers with those in stock. Gotta love the way SK and NTE prints the specs and pin-outs on their packages.