Might pick one of these up. Need to figure out a cool enclosure.
Youkits TT1A 2 Band Tube CW transmitter kit | eBay
Youkits TT1A 2 Band Tube CW transmitter kit | eBay
Might pick one of these up. Need to figure out a cool enclosure.
Youkits TT1A 2 Band Tube CW transmitter kit | eBay
very cool, yea that's the place! my spam can is much larger than a altoids can and it was a $1 at target. That tube kit looks pretty cool! I may pick one up... i wonder where the "tubes" are made?& if there replaceable other than china... i have a large 25LB box of small tubes simular to the ones pictured in the kit eBay.Hendricks made some kits for the Altoids can. They have some other cool stuff as well.
Hendricks QRP Kits - QRPKits