I have a problem with a local group of lowlifes in the area selling drugs and need a communication solution which is not via cellphone as texts are saved and audio can be listened in on easily .... I was looking at a uhf/vhf radio with a scramble function....from china ....which is better vhf....uhf ???
these will be used in town mainly some type of scramble function is an absolute must....those grs radios I hear with privacy codes are not secure is this true?
I am not law enforcement but need a secure cheap solution which cannot be recieved by the average joe and want access to repeaters in an emergency situation/disaster...ect
anyone feel free to chime in I have a EE background and understand the basics but have been away from the books for a few year so any help would be greatly appreciatted.....bythe way these are people on medicaid selling oxy's ect ect to kids I'm going to make them uncomfortable enough to move or get them cuaght and arrested .....police budget gutted no patrol officers ect ect ....
I have a problem with a local group of lowlifes in the area selling drugs and need a communication solution which is not via cellphone as texts are saved and audio can be listened in on easily .... I was looking at a uhf/vhf radio with a scramble function....from china ....which is better vhf....uhf ???
these will be used in town mainly some type of scramble function is an absolute must....those grs radios I hear with privacy codes are not secure is this true?
I am not law enforcement but need a secure cheap solution which cannot be recieved by the average joe and want access to repeaters in an emergency situation/disaster...ect
anyone feel free to chime in I have a EE background and understand the basics but have been away from the books for a few year so any help would be greatly appreciatted.....bythe way these are people on medicaid selling oxy's ect ect to kids I'm going to make them uncomfortable enough to move or get them cuaght and arrested .....police budget gutted no patrol officers ect ect ....