I have a gold face Super Star 3900 with the EPT690010C board, and can not find the alignment information on it to save my life. I've found only info on two other versions of the EPT690010 board. They are EPT690010Z and EPT069610Z @ EPT690010Z and EPT069610Z
and this one, The Defpom EPT690010Z Main board modifications @ The Defpom EPT690010Z Main board modifications. Neither of the component diagrams are like mine, each having more pots, and/or IC's than is in my radio, and also more bands, as mine has only 6 bands versus 8 causing these sites to offer instructions inapplicable to my radio.
My SSB is screwy. I think someone before I got it was inside winding away on the pots. Does anyone have the real EPT6900C info? - alignment instructions and component diagram would be very helpful. It would be greatly appreciated.
and this one, The Defpom EPT690010Z Main board modifications @ The Defpom EPT690010Z Main board modifications. Neither of the component diagrams are like mine, each having more pots, and/or IC's than is in my radio, and also more bands, as mine has only 6 bands versus 8 causing these sites to offer instructions inapplicable to my radio.
My SSB is screwy. I think someone before I got it was inside winding away on the pots. Does anyone have the real EPT6900C info? - alignment instructions and component diagram would be very helpful. It would be greatly appreciated.