This is sort of 'beside' the point, but thought I'd mention it anyway.
I have a neighbor who tends to fall into 'deals' and comes out smelling like a rose. He just happened to run across a 'deal' on a 110/120 foot crank-up 'U.S.Tower' tower and brought the thing home a few months ago, intending to put it up and really get big-time. Well, as things tend to do, it turned out that it might not be as great a 'deal' as he first thought. As in, the city codes, tower heights, "concrete costs WHAT per yard??", and so on. It's still laying where he dropped it to start with. Being the great person I am, I offered to make him a deal on it, since I just happened to have an old pickup he sort of likes. He cited the fact that he was a sort of partner in the tower with someone else. I just happen to know that "someone else" (he's subject to beer bribes!), and told my neighbor not to worry about that, you know? He's still thinking about it.
After checking the new price on this tower (who in their right mind would pay over $20K for a tower?!), and after thinking about it, if my deal goes through, and if the buyer is within 750 - 800 miles of here, I'll make them a very nice deal and even deliver the tower. [Hint: I'm open to 'beer bribes' too.] Depending on the completion of the deal, the availability of the buyer to supply the right beer and feed me, I'll even supervise the installation of said tower.
Now... is that a deal or not?
- 'Doc