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NEW 148 GTL - D



Brain trust-

I am looking for schematics for the new Cobra 148GTL-D. It does not have the NW watch or ST. I know these are not the greatest version of this chassis, but this is what I have to work with. It has an interesting sub board mounted that is labeled "148 NW latchup reset" and is connected to the 8719.

Justin I remember you mentioning in an earlier post about a resister that should be changed out to a higher wattage near the vco. Are there any other stability mods you would be willing to share?





Brain trust-

I am looking for schematics for the new Cobra 148GTL-D. It does not have the NW watch or ST. I know these are not the greatest version of this chassis, but this is what I have to work with. It has an interesting sub board mounted that is labeled "148 NW latchup reset" and is connected to the 8719.

Justin I remember you mentioning in an earlier post about a resister that should be changed out to a higher wattage near the vco. Are there any other stability mods you would be willing to share?





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